Newsletter #59 – Monday, 24th May 2021

Nettlestead, Priors Mead and HomeCare are all at Implementation Level Two.
We hope your loved one has perhaps seen different family or friends that they may not have seen for some time! Please continue to complete the In-Home Visit Declaration, below (there is no need to do so again if you are already a Named Visitor):
Nettlestead – In-Home Visit Declaration-NS
Priors Mead – In-Home Visit Declaration-PM
- We have been enjoying the wonderful company of our Slow Yoga Teacher this morning before lunch! Thank you for joining us, we look forward to you coming in again for some more gentle exercise.
- Santino and his fabulous guitar will be playing for us on Wednesday at 3pm! Please keep your eyes peeled for pictures and even a sneak peak video on Facebook. We cannot wait for a sing-a-long!!
- Jane has been focusing on Baking due to the terrible weather forecast for the week ahead, watch out for the Nettlestead Bake Off with all the Residents taking part!
- Residents will be taking a Scenic Drive out on Thursday with Jane if the rain holds off for a while!!
- A huge Thank You to Diane and Tia for visiting us last Wednesday for some animal therapy with Pet Pals! We are so pleased to have you back with us and looking forward to further weekly visits for more Petting the Animals and chatting with us all.
- We welcomed Barbara to the Nettlestead Family today. We really hope you enjoy your stay with us and making Memories with all of us here.
- We celebrated Joyce’s Birthday on Friday, thank you to everyone who made it extra special for her! Plenty of Cake was had and a Dance or two was shared as well!!
Priors Mead
- As you can see from the piccies, we had TWO fantastic trips out last week! One was to Boxhill where we enjoyed taking in the fresh air and tremendous scenery – even with the storm clouds brewing!! Our second trip was to the beautiful Lakes at Earlswood, we even managed to spot a mother goose and her 6 little goslings whilst feeding the swans!
- Linley will be with us tomorrow morning captivating us with his Music Therapy – always thoroughly enjoyed by our Residents!
- Our D of E students will be back on Thursday morning for some more Bingo Fun – eyes down everyone!
- We are looking forward to seeing Tina, our Hairdresser, who will be with us on Wednesday to provide some lovely Pampering for the Ladies and Gent’s.
- The weather has kept us inside but that did not dampen our spirits as we have played a few rainy day Games this week, including our personal best with the Jenga Tower reaching 39 rows!
- All our clients remain Covid clear and we hope to welcome some new carers to the Team very soon!
- Keep an eye out for our Fayre coming up soon!
Suggestions continue to be welcome. Please share them with us by emailing
Thank you all for your continued support and understanding.
Adrienne Tooke
Being informed
care home
care jobs
Challenge of care
Choosing the right care
Choosing the right solution for you
daily lives
Easing the transition
Flower arranging
For quality care go private
local community
Quality vs quantity
Residential Care
Respite care
small care home
social skills
The care market
the team
The transition to residential care
Transitional Care
Why small is beautiful