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Newsletter #57 – Tuesday, 11th May 2021

Newsletter #57 – Tuesday, 11th May 2021

Nettlestead, Priors Mead and HomeCare are all at Implementation Level Two.

Five Named Visitors to be Allowed!

As part of the next stage of Lockdown Release, Care Home Residents are to be allowed up to Five Named Visitors from 17th May 2021. If you wish to be one of these Named Visitors, please complete the In-Home Visit Declaration, below (there is no need to do so again if you are already a Named Visitor):

NettlesteadIn-Home Visit Declaration-NS

Priors MeadIn-Home Visit Declaration-PM

If we receive more than five applications for any one Resident, we will liaise with the family as to who the five should be.

Boot Fair

Nella and Paige had a massive success with the Dementia UK Bootfair on Sunday, and raised £400 including donations!! Thank you to everyone who contributed, but special thanks to both of them for doing such a fantastic job.


Talking of fantastic jobs, Liam, our recently-appointed HomeCare Director, has fitted in so well that he has moved up to the role of Operations Director. Working alongside him will be Kim, taking the lead on Quality and Compliance, and Adrienne joining them as Administration Director. You may be relieved to learn that as part of her duties, Adrienne will be taking over the Weekly Newsletter, so hopefully these will no longer be late, as with this week’s edition; apologies.


  • Joe had us all Dancing last Friday in the lounge. We look forward to welcoming you back into Nettlestead over the coming weeks.
  • Jane has been focusing on Baking this week, with Cupcakes and Cookies soon to be appearing on our facebook page. Keep your eyes peeled 🙂
  • Chris has been liaising with Archie who we are excited to welcome back to Nettlestead with his mixed-tapes of all our favourite Karaoke songs.
  • Chris has planned some challenging Card Games to get us thinking this week. Who will win?
  • Jane has been keeping up the Exercises as planned this week, and we are still hopeful to get into the garden if we can dodge the rain 🙂
  • We would like to welcome Angela and Michaela to the Nettlestead Night Staff Team, and we wish you the best of luck on your new journey with us here at Nightingales.
  • We may have a special visit from a performer this week, so keep your eyes peeled for this 🙂
  • We have now welcomed back Steve, our usual hairdresser, after recovering from breaking his leg early last year and then being hit with lockdown. We are pleased to see you back and getting those rollers in!

Priors Mead

  • Our Residents have loved their Walks Around the Block and Outings with their Nominated Visitors – Please continue to get in touch to book your outings, and let’s hope for more consistent, warm weather.
  • Also subject to weather conditions, we are hoping to take a few residents out for a Drive and to stretch their legs somewhere lovely towards the end of the week.
  • We have a few In-House Activities this week with Linley joining us for Music Therapy this morning, Armchair Yoga tomorrow and Anthony singing on Friday.
  • Please join us in welcoming our Two Newest Members of the Team; Thomas joins us as our Maintenance Person and Janet joins us as a Carer. Welcome to the team!
  • Saturday marked the 76th Anniversary of VE Day; we reflected on the sacrifice made by millions to accomplish Victory in the Second World War.


  • We would like to say a warm welcome to Four New Staff Members who have started with us this week: Natalie, Leah, Alexandra and Magdalene.


Suggestions continue to be welcome. Please share them with us by emailing

Thank you all for your continued support and understanding.

Nick & Sarah Bruce

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