Covid-19 News #30

Newsletter #30 – Monday, 12th October 2020
We remain at Implementation Level Two for both Homes and HomeCare with no Symptomatic Residents, Clients or Staff. We have one Member of Staff Self Isolating following a Test & Trace App Alert.
Visiting Pods
The temporary Visiting Pod solutions are up and running successfully, although improved flooring is being arranged for the one at Priors Mead. A Family Member also asked for clarification in regard to Multiple Visitors wishing to visit one Resident, given that Individual Visitors will not necessarily know if others have booked to see the Resident they wish to visit. On reflection, we feel this is best managed by the Homes who will advise when a Resident already has an Outstanding Visit for the person to then phone back after this has happened to book their Visit.
Testing continues to work relatively smoothly, although we are still struggling to get Test Kits for HomeCare Clients. On a more proactive note, Priors Mead Staff were offered the opportunity to take part in Antibody Testing Research. Little did they know when signing up to a Home Test described as a Simple Finger Prick, there would be more to it! See more below!
- Jane has been carrying out Giant Word Searches this week due to the weather taking a turn for the worse!
- We are now thinking Halloween … Pumpkin carving is set to take place as early as next week! We will be taking photos to send to families.
- Jane and Chris have been working on Personalised Keyrings this week. We can’t wait to show you all what we have done.
- Visits to the summer house have officially started!! Please read the declaration before you come to make sure these happen as safely as possible.
Priors Mead
- We would like to thank Karl and Simon from Karl’s Man and A Van service for erecting our new, more weather resistant, Temporary Gazebo for us until our permanent structure is in place.
- Well done to all the Staff who took part in the individual Antibody Testing!! The blood quantity required was certainly daunting, and we are impressed that anyone was able to walk afterwards!!
- Residents Flu Jabs will be taking place over the coming week.
- Our Musical Afternoon Tea was a great success and enjoyed by all, taking the Residents back to some of their favourite songs and old TV programmes by the theme tunes in our quiz.
- This week we are going to be trying our hand at Pottery Painting, with some lovely pieces supplied by Painty Pots for us to decorate before being taken off to be glazed.
- Anthony Castleman has been in touch to offer music sessions via Zoom which we are looking into – it’s a brave new world!
- Festive discussions have taken place with Stephanie Evans at the Flower Hut about creative wreath making packages for the residents to make next month.
- All three of the Area Supervisors are now out and about within their areas and will be making contact with all of their clients and/or families to introduce themselves and carry out reviews.
- We have a New Client starting with us this week in Bromley, and another two starting in the coming weeks, with more in the pipeline for the Reigate
- Lauren is continuing to recruit New Members of Staff for all of our areas.
- We have a New Member of Staff in the Croydon area, Enrica, who started this weekend after completing her training and shadowing last week, plus have four more Staff Members scheduled for training in the next couple of weeks.
- Lauren has been in contact with Bromley Council in regard to Home Testing Kits for our Clients but unfortunately there is currently no provision for Domiciliary Care Clients. However, should there be anyone who was either symptomatic or had been in contact with someone with a positive result, then we would be able to obtain tests.
- Our Staff are able to order Home Testing Kits or visit a Drive Through Centre as these are starting to open up again around the area.
Suggestions continue to be welcome. Please share them with us by emailing
Thank you all for your continued support and understanding.
Nick & Sarah Bruce