Nightingales Weekly Newsletter #67

We are still being vigilant but so looking forward to seeing you hug your loved ones at long last!! Please see links for Booking Visits.
- As you can see from the photos some of our Residents had a fantastic time at Ruxley Manor last week with Jane and Debbie!
- We will be joined by Ciara for some Slow Yoga, and will be focusing on the mind this week alongside relaxing music.
- Diane and Tia are coming to see us again. We hope to get into the garden shade and play some games with the lovely Tia.
- We welcome Shanice to the Nightingales Team and hope you enjoy your time working with us.
- Jane has arranged for a traditional Pie, Mash and Liquor Supper with all the Residents, we are really looking forward to this
- What better way to enjoy this hot weather than with Homemade Ice Cream! Jane will be making this with the Residents this week.
- Chris continues to keep our minds active with Bingo & Quizzes booked for the morning sessions.
- Calling all Families! We would like to compile a selection of photos showing happy memories, old and new, of your relatives. This would mean we would be able to make Memory Books for your loved one, unique to them, which we could sit and look through to make them smile and reminisce. They would be able to revisit the special times in their lives and talk about them with us and the other Residents. So please let us have your pictures, photos and any other memorabilia that we could put into ‘scrapbooks’.
Priors Mead
- We are so delighted to finally be welcoming more visitors, with less restrictions – We can’t wait to see all those long overdue hugs!
- Our Grass Heads are coming on nicely; we got imaginative naming them too. Spot “Twixton Tween”
- We have been loving this warm weather and spending lots of time in our Glorious Garden. Some of our residents have chosen to have their Lunch in the Garden recently.
- Charles and Les were at it again with the Jenga-Wars… to put it into perspective, Les is just shy of 6 foot so this is quite an impressive tower!
- We are looking forward to having a ‘Spa Day’ with Manicures, Foot Soaks with our new foot spas and Facials!
- We thought you would like to see a photo of Margaret’s impressive Harp, as played for the home last week.
- A lovely young lady is joining our team from August for Weekend and Ad Hoc Activities…watch this space!
- A reminder that Kelly, Tenniece and Liam are hosting a “Catch Up” for Relatives via Zoom tomorrow Tuesday 20th July at 1pm for those who wish to join us. Link below:
- We would like to Welcome the following new carers to the HomeCare Team – Shannon M, Jadeen C and Martene D.
- Wishing Julie S a Very Happy Birthday this week!
Visits from 19th July 2021
Priors Mead
Suggestions continue to be welcome. Please share them with us by emailing
Thank you all for your continued support and understanding.
Being informed
care home
care jobs
Challenge of care
Choosing the right care
Choosing the right solution for you
daily lives
Easing the transition
Flower arranging
For quality care go private
local community
Quality vs quantity
Residential Care
Respite care
small care home
social skills
The care market
the team
The transition to residential care
Transitional Care
Why small is beautiful