Newsletter #55 – Monday, 26th April 2021

Nettlestead, Priors Mead and HomeCare are all at Implementation Level Two.
Save the Date
Now that we appear to be emerging from some of the restrictions of Covid, we are planning to hold our Partners Meeting for all Staff again this year. We will confirm full details nearer the time, but please save the evening of Friday, 25th June 2021 in your diary.
Reviews Request
As will you know, the Pandemic has had a big impact on all care providers, although we are delighted to say that enquiries are picking up again. However, as we have vacancies in each home, we are running a campaign on Google. If anyone feels they can help by giving us a Five Star Review, that would be much appreciated. If this is something you feel you can do, we would also like to thank you with a Bottle of Wine for your trouble. The links for the reviews are:
- We all enjoyed themed decorations and party games for St George’s Day last Friday while this week we are looking forward to a special visit from Santino! He is returning to bring the swing back into Nettlestead. Watch out on Facebook for some photos.
- Chris has been planning some exercise sessions for the Residents that were put together with the help of St Christophers. We are looking forward to getting up and running with these.
- We would like to welcome Yvonne to the night staff team at Nettlestead.
- We would also like to welcome Vera to the Nettlestead family for a short stay and we hope you enjoy your time with us.
- Jane has been busy planning more garden activities which were such a great success last week. Fingers crossed that the weather remains fine!
- We have also really enjoyed welcoming families into the garden for visits with Residents – roll on Summer 🙂
Priors Mead
- We look forward to welcoming two new D of E Students, Frankie and Darra, who will be playing a game of Bingo with the Residents every week alongside a good natter.
- The sunshine has been just beautiful, especially whilst we’ve been sitting outside Potting Up and Growing our Sunflowers which are doing amazingly well so far! They are nearly ready to plant in the garden.
- We had a great week of getting back on track beauty wise with Tina the Hairdresser and the podiatrist, along with a nice hand massage with manicure and nail painting.
- Linley is back this week from Kiddley Divey for some musical fun and gentle exercise.
- Anthony Castleman is joining us at the end of the week for some Campfire Songs to go with our campfire themed evening, involving making Smores, yummy! Keep a look out for the photos on facebook.
- We celebrated St Georges Day with a competition of crossword and wordsearch puzzles as well as a quiz hosted by our D of E Student, Eshal.
- We have Three New Care Packages starting in the next few weeks.
- Please remember to drop off any donations for the Charity Boot Fair.
- We will be contacting families to book Care Reviews over the coming weeks.
- We are delighted to have Two New Carers joining the team now they have successfully completed their training.
Suggestions continue to be welcome. Please share them with us by emailing
Thank you all for your continued support and understanding.
Nick & Sarah Bruce