Newsletter #54 – Wednesday, 21st April 2021

Thank you to everyone who gave feedback on whether we should move to Monthly Newsletters. Whilst many of you thought this was a good idea, others would prefer the Weekly Newsletters continue until there is better access to the homes. This makes sense so we will continue on a weekly basis until further notice.
Garden Visits
We are delighted that the warmer weather has enabled us to restart Garden Visits. Being outdoors and with the reducing numbers of positive cases, we feel these are of a lower risk than In-Home or Pod Visits, and therefore allow us to have less restrictions. So, with immediate effect, for Special Occasions such as Birthdays, the maximum number of Visitors is increased to Five.
Leo’s Departure
We would like to share the news that Leo is no longer our CEO. We are very grateful for all the energy he threw into his role, particularly as he was having to manage transitioning from another industry whilst at the same time coping with the extraordinary challenges that the Pandemic has thrown at everyone. However, we have come to the conclusion that being CEO of Nightingales was not best suited to his skill set, and have therefore agreed to go our separate ways. However, we would like to thank him for his contribution to the Company over the last ten months. Sarah and I will personally fill the gap this leaves whilst we work with the Executive Team to agree on the future leadership structure.
- Congratulations to everyone at Nettlestead and HomeCare for joining in to raise funds for Pancreatic Cancer by dressing up in Pyjamas – We raised an amazing £98, thank you to everyone who either took part or donated.
- Jane has been focusing on Getting Out in the Sun this week with activities taking place in the garden including Bowls and Bowling.
- Chris has been focussed on Physical Exercises with the Residents this week and getting everyone involved with Balloon Batting.
- Jane has been in discussions with our entertainment group and we are excited to start welcoming back our In-House Entertainers and get back into the dancing/singing spirit.
Priors Mead
- The majority of our Residents had a much needed Cut and Blow Dry this week, and now look and feel like new! We look forward to Tina returning again this Wednesday.
- Linley from Kiddley Divey was great fun! We almost had a full house take part in the armchair exercises and a good sing-along too!
- Our Podiatrist, Marianne, will be with us on Thursday.
- We joined the nation in remembering HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, on Saturday whilst watching his funeral and taking part in the two minute silence in his honour. Priors Mead have left a message in The Royal Families Book of Condolence.
- An opportunity has opened up for a new member of the Priors Mead Team! If you know anyone who would be interested in a career in care, specifically as a Night Care Assistant, please put them in touch with us!
- Nella and Paige raised £98 in support of pancreatic cancer by arranging a ‘Payjama Day’ which was done with fun. Well done 🙂
- Please don’t forget our Boot fair at Swanley on 9th May. Please let us have any unwanted items that you can donate – the more the better. All funds raised will be going to Dementia UK.
- We are delighted that almost all our carers have now received their Second Vaccine.
- Nella and Paige are carrying out a Recruitment Day on Tuesday 20th April in Orpington.
Suggestions continue to be welcome. Please share them with us by emailing
Thank you all for your continued support and understanding.
Nick & Sarah Bruce