Newsletter #53 – Wednesday, 14th April 2021

Nettlestead, Priors Mead and HomeCare are all at Implementation Level Two.
We are sorry this week’s newsletter has been delayed but, to invoke Harold Macmillan, events conspired against us 🙂
Management & Employee Representatives
The Employee Rep Election for HomeCare has been rerun, with Keisha Basran being elected; Congratulations. Thank you also to all those who were brave enough to not only put their names forward once, but twice.
This is the 53rd Weekly Newsletter, and there have been an additional 19 Daily Updates. Now that both the country and care homes are starting to return to business as usual, we are wondering if we should also move to the next stage of normality by issuing Monthly Newsletters only, one for each service. Please let us know your thoughts.
- Visits by the Hairdresser and Podiatrist have been welcomed by all.
- We would like to welcome Yvonne to the Nettlestead Team who will be joining us as a Night Carer on 14th April.
- Jane and Chris have been Baking Cakes and Biscuits much to the delight of all the Residents and Staff who have put their diets on hold for a week!
- The Activities Team continues to focus on the physical side of activities and are gearing up to allow Outside Entertainers to resume in the coming weeks – watch this space!
- Please make sure you keep phoning to reserve your visits and facetime slots to avoid disappointment.
Priors Mead
- We are very excited to welcome Linley from Kiddleydivey back to Priors Mead today for her Music Therapy sessions. She has always been a firm favourite amongst residents and staff and gets everyone feeling energetic!
- We are pleased to announce that Tina, our hairdresser, is back on the premises on Wednesday and all residents are looking forward to a fresh new hair do!
- We have a new DofE Student who will be completing their placement with us.
- We are pleased to be welcoming Anthony Castleman back to Priors Mead for a Friday Evening LIVE Music Session rather than via Zoom.
- Our Sunflowers have started to grow, but currently we have one that is towering above the rest. Well done Judy; we are sure she used magic seeds!
- We are arranging a Charity Fundraising Boot Fair with all proceeds going to Dementia UK on Sunday 9th May. If you know anyone who has anything they would be able to donate please bring it to the HomeCare Office.
- Nella has organised a Pyjama Day on Friday 16th April in Nettlestead to raise money for Pancreatic Cancer
- Paige and Becky have a number of new client assessments arranged for this week.
Suggestions continue to be welcome. Please share them with us by emailing
Thank you all for your continued support and understanding.
Nick & Sarah Bruce