February 2019 News

We would like to send BIG Happy Birthday wishes to Kay who has a special birthday this Month, congratulations Kay!
Thank you
We would like to say a huge thank you to all the families and friends that bought presents and cards for all the staff over Christmas, this was very generous and kind – Thank You!

We would like to remind everyone that positive customer reviews and good online ratings increasingly play a key part in helping us come to the attention of potential clients, and so are always valued by us. However, we recognise how valuable your time is so we are offering a bottle of wine to all online reviewers that take the time to share their opinion with us. These can be posted at www.CareHome.co.uk
We now have sweets and treats by the front door which we are collecting donations for the Children’s Air Ambulance and are still collecting stamps (new/old and UK/overseas) for the Air Ambulance. I am sure we can all get involved and start collecting for this worthy charity. Please do continue to drop them off the next time you pop in for a visit.
Please do have a look at our facebook page which we would encourage you all to go on and have a look at and share ‘Priors Mead News’ so if you haven’t already please do go on and like our page!
Friday 1st: Supporting Dignity Action Day- Music and games with Vanessa. 6:00pm: Debbie will be here to give us a singsong and nibbles
Saturday 2nd: A Country drive with Stathis
Tuesday 5th: Join Sally for gentle yoga exercises. 6:00pm: A talk on how the Chinese celebrate in style followed by a Chinese New Year Supper
Saturday 9th: Come and try our fun trivia quiz and prizes with Stathis
Monday 11th: Come and join us with a Reminiscence get together ‘The 1950s in Great Britain while browsing our memorabilia items.
Tuesday 12th: Try our new weekly History club – Lets celebrate Darwin day. Happy Valentines Day, let’s share the love –
Thursday 14th: Linley will be here for music therapy. 5:00pm: Our Candle light Valentines Supper. 6:00pm: Anthony will be here to sing and play his guitar.
Friday 15th: Making your very own scented soaps with Vanessa for a gift or just to treat yourself.
Saturday 18th: A trip to Mercedes world to see some classic cars
Its National Nest box week
Monday 18th: We are making our own nest boxes for the garden and bird feeders
Tuesday 19th: More Yoga exercises with Sally
Thursday 21st: The benefits of Aromatherapy and spa feet treatments
Saturday 23rd: A trip to Tulleys Farm tea room and to see the Animal patch of furry friends
Tuesday 26th – A visit to East Surrey college spa for mini facials please see Vanessa for times
Thursday 28th: Linley will here with music therapy. 2:30 pm: Knitting club-knitting squares for blankets for the premature babies at our local hospital
Friday 1st: Time for a cuppa! We will be holding a coffee morning supporting Dementia UK. All friends and family welcome. 1:45pm: Come and Celebrate with our staff Employee Appreciation day awards for to say thank you for the care they give all year round
Saturday 2nd: A spot of Shopping with Stathis at our local Redhill centre
Monday 4th – A talk about Fair-trade supported by the co-operative
Tuesday 5th – Its Pancake day! come and make your very own with delicious toppings
Thursday 7th: World book day! Come and see our New collection of interesting books for all to read and storytelling from our volunteers
Friday 8th: Its International women’s day A talk by Vanessa on the great achievements from the past and present
Saturday 9th: A trip to the lighthouse box museum and Art Gallery in working with Stathis
Monday 11th: The body shop will be here to sample their skin care range of potions and lotions with hand massages
Friday 15th – Red nose day! We are fundraising for comic relief come and join Vanessa and Kim with a fun Arts and craft afternoon followed by high tea
Saturday 16th: Afternoon tea at Redhill & Reigate Golf club with Stathis
Monday 18th: Our 1st class armchair tour travel to Switzerland with tasty fresh pastries and refreshments
Wednesday 20th: The first day of spring is here try our Nature word Bingo bonanza with Anne and Olivia
Thursday 21st: Sharing funny Poetry and sayings for World Poetry Day with Vanessa
Saturday 23rd: A trip out to the RHS Wisley for the spring plant fair with Vanessa and Stathis
Monday 25th: Come and Celebrate Greek 🇬🇷 Independence Day. Our very own Greek God Stathis will be sharing his experiences and a taster of Greek Tapas
Thursday 28th: Music Therapy with Linley
Friday 29th – It’s Fitness Friday! Celebrating 100 years of keeping fit through the decades.
More activities to be confirmed, please see Vanessa for details
Please see Vanessa for trips out as there are limited spaces and we want to ensure that everyone who would like to has the chance to join in. Family and friends are welcome to join us on all activities.