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and care homes

How do you make decisions about care in a post COVID-19 world?


It seems like the whole world from governments to families are asking the same question. How do you get the right balance between safety and living life?

What should you ask your care provider?

If you have a loved one who you think may need support, how can you help them make the best decision? Nothing is risk free, particularly at the moment, but by asking a few careful and considered questions you can significantly mitigate risk.



Trust your instincts

What’s your first impression of the home and the staff?

Humans are social beings with a highly evolved sense of when other people are genuine. That’s not to say you shouldn’t follow up with more detailed checks. But “will I be happy here?” is never a bad question. Because if you and your relatives feel positive that’s a very good start.

Is the home kept clean and tidy?

Cleanliness helps prevent transmission.

So check the thoroughness and frequency of domestic cleaning. The coronavirus survives longer than most other viruses, so cleanliness is vital.

Do they have a low turnover of staff?

A low staff turnover is good for lots of reasons.

Of course building rewarding care relationships has always depended on consistency and time. But with Covid, high staff turnover or use of short-term agency staff is even more significant. It inevitably increases outside contacts, increasing the potential for infection.

How big is the care home?

Smaller is better.

Science tells us the risk of transmission of any airborne virus is increased by the number of contacts. And the fewer the residents, the fewer the contacts, it’s as simple as that.

Why small is beautiful

How do they monitor visits?

Do they have a sensible door policy?

When it comes to residential care, quite simply who comes in and goes out controls what comes in and goes out. There should be protocols in place as to who and how visitors and staff come and go.

How are their finances?

Are they well established, clear about their billing and solvent?

Trying to cut costs can lead to cutting corners. Financial security also means the care provider can be stricter in enforcing standards, thereby minimising Covid risk. And don’t forget, residential care is a significant investment, so don’t be shy of asking about the numbers. Are they transparent about their charges and what is included?

What is their CQC rating?

The Care Quality Commission regulates health and social care services.

The commission ensures the quality and safety of care in hospitals, dentists, ambulances, and care homes, and the care given in people’s own homes. They are an independent body so you can trust their opinion.

Stay informed

Keeping in touch is vital.

Successful relationships depend on open communication. So make sure you ask how your care provider will keep you up to date? Who will be your point of contact? And who can you call out of hours?

Our Weekly Covid News

Is HomeCare an option?

What about care in my own home?

If you’re thinking about care in your own home as an alternative, most of the same questions about your instincts, staff turnover, cleanliness and financial security still apply. But of course you and your family have to take your own “keep safe” measures as well.

Our HomeCare Service


If you’d like to know more?

Please call on 01737 224334 or use our live chat. We’ll be delighted to share the practical and theoretical knowledge we’ve built up over the years. And you can rest assured we won’t give you a hard sell. We simply don’t do that.



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Our managers will happily walk around the home using WhatsApp video or similar to give a guided tour and answer any questions.

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