Covid-19 News #35

Newsletter #35 – Monday, 16th November 2020
We remain at Implementation Level Two for Nettlestead, and Implementation Level Three for Priors Mead and HomeCare.
Priors Mead Testing
We have now had a Second Person Test Positive at Priors Mead although, some five days after the sample was taken, Everyone Remains Asymptomatic. The first time was in regard to a Staff Member who has been Self-Isolating since 6th November. Both she and her family Remain Asymptomatic. The Positive Test this time is in regard to a Resident who continues to be her normal self. Whilst we believe both are likely to be False Positives, we are treating each as though they were genuine and, in view of the worry such results cause, we have done some research into False Positives.
False Positives
According to an article on the BBC Website – – the frequency of False Positives, being when a person who does not have the Coronavirus tests positive for it, is believed to be between 0.5% and 0.8%. Whilst we continue to Treat this Second Positive Result as if it is Genuine until we can conclusively demonstrate otherwise, out of 400 Tests To Date, two are Positive. Given that both of the above examples have been Asymptomatic, and this correlates to the False Positive Error Level, our current best guess is that both are False Positives.
It is difficult to draw any helpful conclusions from this as the seriousness of a Genuine Positive Result means that we should Always Act with Caution. Statistically, these are also unlikely to be the last False Positive results simply because of the number of tests we are doing. However, knowing this, perhaps we are justified in worrying less when they do happen, especially where the person concerned is and remains asymptomatic.
HomeCarer Positive
We have also had a HomeCarer Test Positive after feeling unwell, and we therefore believe she is Covid Positive. The person concerned is a Live-In Carer and therefore the only Client to possibly be exposed is the one she cares for, and who has tested Negative. Two other Carers are isolating as a precaution. We continue to test and keep a close eye on the Client concerned, and are obviously liaising closely with the Family.
The Carer acted with commendable speed which has almost certainly helped to minimise the risks to others. Thank you.
We are continuing to test Homes Staff weekly, and Residents monthly, plus Priors Mead has been on an enhanced testing protocol due to the first False Positive, and in which in turn statistically increases the chances of further False Positives. However, better this than missing a genuine case of Covid-19.
Pods and Visiting
The construction of the new Visiting Pods continues apace. We had intended to construct the Priors Mead one first but an issue with the foundation meant the builders moved to Nettlestead whilst this was resolved. However, Nettlestead’s Pod is now erected and the focus has therefore now returned to Priors Mead.
- We currently have availability at Nettlestead, so please refer us to Family and Friends if anyone is looking for some extra support.
- Jane will be challenging our Residents today with some Crossword Puzzles.
- She will also be focusing on getting into the Festive Spirit this week. Our Residents are starting to make Christmas Decorations and have plans for Festive Biscuit Making – we have even started the Christmas Music!
- Please keep phoning in for FaceTime Bookings, we still have some slots available this week!
- Do you have Facebook? Please have a look on our page which we are keeping up to date with information and photos.
Priors Mead
- Discussions are underway as to how we are going to approach Christmas Visits to be fair to all.
- Many of our Residents had fun last Friday decorating Cupcakes with Children in Need in mind. We then enjoyed eating that evening whilst watching the BBC television appeal.
- We have held Zoom Catch-Ups with most of our Residents’ Families this week, with only a few more to go. Thank you to those who have participated and for the very positive feedback given during these discussions.
- As discussed with those during the Catch-Ups, we are asking Relatives and Friends to send us some festive themed Video Clips wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, which we are hoping to stitch together and have playing through the TV on Christmas Day. If you are happy to contribute, please email the clips to us ideally during the first week of December or if the files can’t be sent via email, please let us know and we can provide you with a mobile number to send it to instead.
- Unfortunately, our Residents have been isolating in their rooms since late Friday evening, as explained above. They have mostly adapted to this very well and remain in good spirits. Designated carers are spending one-to-one time with each and we are trying to arrange individual ‘slots’ where they can spend some time alone in the communal areas or get out into the garden for some fresh air. We hope to return to normal soon!
- We have room for New Residents, so please do bear us mind should you know of anyone needing some care and support.
- We have been distributing Leaflets around the Bromley, Chislehurst and Beckenham areas as we currently have the capacity to take on new clients. Please think of us if you know of anyone who may benefit from some additional help at home.
- We welcome Rachel to the team who joins us in the Reigate Area. Having successfully completed her induction training, she will be out shadowing this week before starting with us as a Carer.
Suggestions continue to be welcome. Please share them with us by emailing
Thank you all for your continued support and understanding.
Nick & Sarah Bruce