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Covid-19 News #33

Covid-19 News #33

Newsletter #33 – Monday, 2nd November 2020

We remain at Implementation Level Two for both Homes and HomeCare with no Symptomatic Residents, Clients or Staff.

New Lockdown

The New Lockdown, which is expected to start from this Thursday will mean that Visiting the Homes will end as it is not one of the allowed reasons for leaving home. Therefore, please do take advantage of visiting your loved-ones over the next couple of days. Rest assured we will do everything we can to keep them safe and amused until visiting resumes, hopefully in a month´s time. In the meantime, you will still be able to Phone or speak to your Loved Ones using Skype, Zoom or FaceTime.

As the Temporary Visiting Pod was damaged by the wind again, we are Closing the Conservatory at Priors Mead for the next two days so this can be Used for Visits instead. Please book in the normal way, and we anticipate that by the time this Lockdown Ends, the Permanent Visiting Pods will be in place.


Testing is continuing for all Homes Staff as usual, and we are now having far better success with Home Testing Kits for HomeCare Staff, all thankfully Negative.


  • We would like to welcome Irene, one of our HomeCare Clients, who has moved into Room 7 for a little TLC.
  • Our Halloween Party was a great success, with spooky fun had by all. Please check out our Facebook
  • Stathis and Katherine will be putting on a Fireworks Display this Thursday with Hot Chocolate and Hot Dogs to be enjoyed by all!
  • All Staff now have their well-earned CARE Badges in recognition of their Fantastic Contribution as care professionals.

Priors Mead

  • We are looking forward to welcoming our Residents’ Friends and Families for a ‘See you Soon’ visit ahead of the next lockdown. Please make use of Skype/Zoom during the next month to keep in touch.
  • The CARE Badges have arrived and will be distributed to our amazing Staff.
  • Fun was had by all at our Halloween Afternoon Tea Party last week. Our Carved Pumpkins, filled with Lollipops, were put out in front of the home for any children who were out picture spotting to help themselves.
  • We have an Evening of Music via zoom this Thursday with Anthony Castleman, to be accompanied by a glass of wine and nibbles.
  • And we’re looking forward to a Fireworks Display on Friday evening, with hot drinks being served to all.


  • We continue to have New Clients starting, and remain available if anyone needs us throughout the Lockdown.
  • Thank you to all our Supervisors and Staff who continue to do an amazing job.
  • We received a great review from an Occupational Therapist praising how well our HomeCare Staff work together – Well Done!


Suggestions continue to be welcome. Please share them with us by emailing

Thank you all for your continued support and understanding.

Nick & Sarah Bruce

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