Covid-19 News #18

Newsletter #18 – Monday, 20th July 2020
We remain at Implementation Level Two for both Homes and HomeCare with no Symptomatic Residents, Clients or Staff.
One Member of Staff, who has remained Non-Symptomatic throughout, has Tested Positive for Antibodies but Negative for the Virus. She therefore had the Virus, but no longer does. All Staff she works with have Tested Negative for Antibodies, and all her Family Members have also Tested Negative. We do not believe there is any ongoing risk of the Member of Staff infecting others.
Garden Visits and Post-Summer Visiting
Garden Visits are continuing with no issues arising. We are keeping our fingers crossed for an Indian Summer, but continue to plan in case our normal weather returns in the autumn. As might be expected, there are a number of options which typically involve a Small Prefabricated Building, but none of which are cheap. However, we continue to search and, as things stand, we hope to have something in place for September or October.
Testing, and Test & Trace
We are still awaiting the Weekly Testing Kits for Staff, and 28 Day Testing Kits for Residents, but have no exact date for these yet. We continue to press.
- We welcomed a new Resident, Silvia, and look forward to introducing her to our other Residents once she has completed the 14 Day Isolation Period.
- We would like to send our condolences to Daphne’s family following her passing away on Wednesday.
- The Residents have been enjoying a series of Exercises and Quizzes to keep body and mind stimulated.
- We celebrated Peggy’s Birthday in the garden.
- Bean Bag games and Skittles are planned for this coming week, also in the garden.
Priors Mead
- Michelle continues to keep everyone busy with her varied activities plans, including finding time for those who are unable to or prefer not to join in with group activities.
- We received an amazing £720 from Adele Clayton, the walking unicorn, for a trip for Staff and Residents when safe to venture out. Thank you so much!!!
- Garden visits are still very popular and feedback has been great from residents and families.
- Staff Morale continues to be amazing.
- Kirsty also sends her apologies for the brevity of Priors Mead’s contribution, but she has unexpectedly had to accompany a Resident to Hospital; thankfully for nothing too serious.
- Another Self-Isolating Client has restarted her service.
- Lauren has started booking HomeCare Staff for the Antibodies Test. If any Staff Members would like to have this test expedited, please call Lauren.
- Lauren and Paige are going to compile a list of all Clients who might benefit from a prescription for Vitamin D.
- Karen is currently on Annual Leave this week. If any Clients or Family Members in Bromley have any queries, please contact Lauren or Paige.
- Early on in the Pandemic, because of the beneficial effect it has on the Immune System, we asked the Homes GP’s to prescribe Vitamin D to all Residents where it was not contra-indicated, and recommended our HomeCare Clients did the same. The Government has now made this official advice for everyone this winter, and we will continue to ensure new residents are also prescribed this where appropriate.
Suggestions continue to be welcome. Please share them with us by emailing
Thank you all for your continued support and understanding.
Nick & Sarah Bruce